Resilience Corps Fellowship
Click through the images to see what the 2024 Resilience Fellows have been doing throughout their service term to be active citizens and work to build community resilience. Photos are in order from most recent events to beginning of term in January 2024.

2024 Resilience Corps Fellows pose for a photo at our End of Service Event. The night was such a success! Thank you to all who made it possible! (September 2024)

Bustling room at the Gulf of Maine Research Institute. Fellows shared posters with guests and had conversations about the incredible experiences had and memories made. (September 2024)

First group photo! Taking a brief outdoor break from the AmeriCorps training. (January 2024)

2024 Resilience Corps Fellows pose for a photo at our End of Service Event. The night was such a success! Thank you to all who made it possible! (September 2024)
The Resilience Corps Blog, "Stories of Resilience," offers a glimpse into the projects served by Resilience Corps fellows and how they are helping to build more resilient communities in the Greater Portland region.